Book Series: Unplug (A Simple Guide to Meditation for Busy Skeptics and Modern Soul Seekers)

I really enjoyed this novel on meditation, as the art of mindfulness is an underrated one.

Below are some choice quotes from the book that I hope might add value in your journey and discovery of meditation:

  • Meditation has changed me and my life in so many ways. I am much more able to see when I’m stressed and deal with it in that exact moment, rather than being consumed or overwhelmed by it. I was always a happy person, but now I’m happy and grateful because I stop to appreciate everything around me. I am so much more effective and productive. I used to avoid things that made me feel uncomfortable, but now I can handle any discomfort. In almost every situation, I can step back from my knee-jerk reactions and respond mindfully. The best way I can describe it is that I feel like I’m experiencing my life in high def.

  • Unplugging allows you to respond calmly and rationally and maintain your peace no matter which it is.

  • Meditation is a practice that teaches you to unplug from distraction and experience the present moment.

  • You cultivate your ability to direct your focus, and then you get to choose how you want to respond in every circumstance rather than feeling like a puppet at the mercy of your automatic wiring.

  • Just because meditation is simple and quiet, don’t overlook its power and importance and what it can do for your life.

  • To me, meditation is about connecting with your own truth of who you are and your purpose in life. Instead of directing your energy to a higher power for inspiration and guidance, you’re getting those answers from within.

  • With the gift of perspective, I’m able to handle challenges and move through them in a much better way. I tackle challenges more thoughtfully and effectively rather than wasting my energy on things I can’t control.

  • I compete with myself. There’s no less fire under me - it’s just lit from within instead of trying to outblaze others. My ideas are clearer than they’ve ever been before, and I can see the path to make them into reality.

  • A lot of people say trust your gut, but they can’t hear it because they’re too busy. I can actually hear mine, because I’m clear.

  • The object of meditation is to let your thoughts come up, then let them go and come back to your focus point, again and again. The process is the practice. It’s kind of like a mental exercise or bicep curl. You keep doing the same thing, and eventually you build up strength. Then, when you’re out in your everyday life, that mental muscle is ready to work for you. Very soon, you notice that it takes you less time to catch yourself “drifting off”, and you’re able to bring yourself back sooner.

  • It’s important to let your emotions pop up so you can let them go and move on. Meditation doesn’t stop you from feeling any more than it stops you from thinking - it just lets you become aware of your emotions and thoughts sooner.

  • Once you become aware of a feeling that’s taking over, you can step back and observe it. You realize your thoughts and emotions are not you - they’re separate.

  • Separating you from how you’re feeling is the way to freedom - the direct path back to your calm, rational mind.

  • Trying to stop or push negative thoughts away doesn’t work. The trick is to actually let them come in, and notice and fully experience them so you can then let them go.

  • Every meditation practice is valuable - even the challenging ones. There are definitely frustrating meditation sessions when you find yourself battling with your brain, but those are actually the most valuable. The more you battle, the stronger your redirect muscle becomes. Sometimes redirecting your focus will come easily, sometimes not, but either way, you’re building the muscle and literally growing your brain.

  • That focus is the whole point of meditation. The redirection of your attention when it wanders is the act that over times reshapes your brain - and your life.

  • There are so many reasons to meditate, but I think the most compelling one is that it literally changes your brain. It physically alters the shape of your gray matter to make you smarter, happier and calmer. This isn’t just hype; it’s been scientifically proven.

  • Meditation is an essential tool in getting the most joy out of life.

  • Meditation creates resilience, and resilience is paramount to having a happy life, because you’re able to bounce back and go with the flow. That doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges - just that you’ll have the tools to be able to work with them as opposed to feeling overwhelmed or victimized by them. You learn that you have choice in how you respond.

I hope that most of you are able to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily lives. I can ascertain that it will create positive changes.