Difficulty: Easy (pretty flat)
Estimated Time: 2.5 hours
Round Trip: 6.6km
Elevation Gain: Minimal
Season: Year-round
Car Travelling Time from Vancouver: 45 minutes
Public Transit: No
Credits: http://www.hikingforthescaredycat.com/katzie-marsh-loop-pitt-meadows.html
Directions: Drive to Pitt Lake and park in the parking lot. This peaceful hike is located in Pitt Meadows.
The trail head start is next to the canoe rental place. There are a lot of people fishing in the area, and overall, it is a peaceful and scenic spot to rest up, go for a picnic or sightsee.
The initial signpost says Nature Dyke Trail. Follow this narrow trail which is un-attended and bushy at times (be careful when it comes to the thorny bushes!) with some ground erosion.
The feeling of walking in between the marshes is freeing and unparalleled. After 1.8km, you will reach a viewing tower and the trail now widens out on a grassy road. This is where the views open up. It's sreally peaceful and stunning. Keep walking along until you come to a gravel dyke road, turn left. One side is Pitt Lake and the other is the bigger marsh.
Upon closer inspection, there are wild lilies, Cliff Swallows, Canada Geese, Osprey and Red Wing Blackbirds singing high in the trees. Trace your steps back along the gravel road which takes you back to the parking lot where you started earlier.
The reflection was wonderful.
There was a midpoint where we could stop for a mini picnic ft the delicious Kanadell Bakery Miso Havarti Bun and enjoy our food in tranquility (I hear the Curry Pans and other items are delicious as well).